Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Busy Tuesday's

Tuesday's are always busy! I keep Destin and Carter on Tuesday's, so I'm always running around like a crazy person trying to keep up with both babies. Actually, Carter is extremely easy to take care of! She doesn't get into everything like Destin does. And when she is tired, she will just lay down on the floor or couch and not move or even go to sleep on her own. Shew, the differences between boys and girls! Destin is a wild child and wants to be into everything! He would never just lay in my lap or on the floor until he fell asleep. I wish he would though. He is still a wonderful baby. He climbs on everything and I mean everything! His favorite thing to do every morning is to climb up into the glider and sit like such a big boy and watch tv and rock himself. It is SO cute! He will climb onto the couch and on the back of it. One of these days he will probably learn his lesson because he is bound to fly off the back of the couch. His walking is getting better and better every day! He still walks like a little drunk man, but he walks everywhere. The only problem is is that I cannot keep shoes on him. He always pulls them off. I don't know what I'm going to do when it gets really cold and needs to be bundled when we go outside because he won't keep a hat on either. I wish some people would give me some suggestions on what to do!?

Anyways, there's plenty that I need to be doing right now. I have tons of homework and laundry that I need to try to catch up on.

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