Wednesday, September 21, 2011

School, Destin walking, and FSU game

It's been a little while since I updated on the last blog. I told myself when I started this that I would do really good at keeping up with it. Well, the last week or two have been hectic! School is starting to become intense with tons of papers due, tests, and novels to read. I seriously don't know why I thought it would be okay to take four upper level English classes and Spanish 3 all in one semester. All of the papers and reading that I'm supposed to do for the English classes is just crazy. I just have to pick and choose on what I can do that week on the readings and try to sparknote the rest of what I can't get to. Spanish 3 is a lot better than what I took over the summer! Granted, I'm not learning it like I did in the summer because it was so intense and compact then, but it's much easier now that it is spread out and I don't have to stress over homework and a test every three days. Once I get through this semester, I should be smooth sailing for the rest of everything because I will have almost all of my more intense upper level classes completed... besides I will still have Spanish 4. I'm hoping that I can pull my goal of always having straight A's this semester....but.... if I get a B or two I honestly don't think I'll be that upset about it now that I have SO much going on in life.

Destin has matured a lot within the last two weeks. He is walking so much more now. He actually walks like a little drunk guy, but he's walking! Sometimes he will take a couple of steps forward and start to lose his balance, so he will take a couple of step backwards. It's so funny... you just have to see it. Yesterday, he got his first shiner on his left eye. He was just walking along and tripped and it the wall right under his eye on his upper cheek bone. He started to cry, and I felt bad later because I just told him he was okay to get up ( That's what I usually do because I have learned if I act like it's a big deal then he will scream and cry for a lot longer than if I act like it was no big deal that he just fell or got hurt.) But, I felt really bad when I saw that his eye was puffy and starting to bruise. I seriously wish they invented like a little baby bubble that I could put him in to always keep him safe. I keep thinking, "How in the world will I ever be able to see him play a physical sport with the chances that he will probably get hurt!?" Once that day comes, I will more than likely have a heart attack. I guess that is something every mother and father have to learn to overcome. Anyway, his eye looks much better today. He woke up in such a great mood this morning. I was way too tired after only getting about 5 hours of sleep to really enjoy it to the fullest, so I just laid on the couch and watched him play and admired him. I am at school today until 5:35, so he is at my sisters house. He and Carter (Carla's baby) are so fun to watch together. Although, Destin is quite mean to her sometimes. Poor Carter, she will just look at me and cry because Destin will steal her paci, or sippy, or actually yesterday he took the play station remote and blatenly whacked her on the head with it. Needless to say, Destin got a spaking and Carter got lots of hugs and kisses from Aunt Jenna. lol. I have a feeling those two are going to have that kind of relationship growing up.... like my sister and I did. I hope it's not to that extent, though, since they are the opposite sex and all.

We left Thursday night after I got off of work to head down to Tallahassee for the Florida State vs. Oklahoma game. We had to wake Destin up and drive to Cleveland first to drop him off at Al's parents house and to pick up Al's brother. Destin didn't go back to sleep in the car eventhough it was 1:00, but he didn't fuss. He was a champ. His Mamaw and Papaw said that he was awesome all weekend. It was hard for me to leave him. I actually cried when we got back in the car. Of course Al made fun of me and told me I was over reacting. lol. He was right... I wasn't crying because of him staying there or anything, I knew that he would be fine and would have a blast there. I just... I don't know I can't explain it. I'm sure other mom's know what I'm talking about. I did good away from him all weekend. I missed him, but it was nice to relax and enjoy ourselves. On Friday, we got to go on a tour of FSU's football locker rooms, weight rooms, training rooms, etc. That was awesome! Then they had a player send off where we all rallied while the players got onto the bus. We were right up front and got to clap hands with all of the players. Those guys are HUGE. We went and ate at Hooter's for dinner, and then we went to the Corey Smith concert. We didn't stay but for about ten mintues. We were all so tired from being up for over 35 hours. I slept so good that night. We got up on Saturday at about 5:30 and got ready to head over to the stadium and go see Game Day. There were students that camped out there over night to be up front. It was some crazy stuff! Then we tailgated all day. The game was absolutely awesome. I have never witnessed such an awesome atmosphere. I about lost my voice, my hands were raw from clapping, and this is sad to say, but my arms were sore from doing the chop so much! It would have been even better if we had won. Oh well, we will win it all next year! We got home around 5 or 6 Sunday night. Once again, I cried when we were almost there because I was so excited to get back to Destin. I don't know what it is.... becoming a mom has just made me such a softy! Everything makes me cry! Ha Ha. I'm sure other moms do the same thing too!

I have rambled enough. This week has been busy with homework, Al's going to have wrestling start up soon, and he has had PTO meetings. I'm hoping this weekend I can balance spending time with everyone and getting caught up on all my homework! Pray for me! ha ha. I have to go to class now.... until next time!

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