Sunday, October 2, 2011

Strep Throat

Well, I couldn't prevent the invitible. Destin got sick this weekend. He had the croupe when he was 6 months old, and this is the only other time that he has been sick aside from his worse teething days. When Al picked Destin up from Summer's (our babysitter) on Friday afternoon, she told him that she thought he felt hot when she got him up from his nap. Al and Destin came up to Boskey's to eat so I could see them, and Destin acted fine. He was even okay that night at home. He slept 12 hours with no problem too! On Saturday morning, he wouldn't eat or drink anything. He usually loves eggs and he wouldn't even eat those. He just cried and fussed, so i figured it was just teething and that he was still tired, so I put him back down to nap. (He often wakes up in the morning, and 20 minutes later he is ready to go back to bed.) When he woke up from his nap, he was BURNING UP! He wouldn't move. He just sat on the couch and acted so pitiful. I changed his diaper with no fuss or fight.... which this NEVER happens. That kid will fight until the end when he has his diaper or clothes changed. I knew when he wouldn't get up to play that it was more than teething. I don't ever want to be the mom that takes her kid to the doctor for everything, so I debated on taking him right away. At first, I thought, "well, I'll just give him a little while to see if he starts to feel better." But, then I started thinking about it being a Saturday, and if he didn't feel better and continued to get worse that all the doctors offices would be closed and we would have to run up an expensive ER bill. So, we headed on into the doctor. We didn't drive to Murfreesboro to go to his peditrician. We first went to the walk-in clinic here in Manchester, but they won't see patients unless they are over two years old, so we drove to the Urgent Care in Tullahoma.
He started to perk up in the waiting room until we actually got called back. I have three thermometers at home, and none of them would work, so I didn't actually get to see what his temperature was before we went in. They took his temp and it was 100.4 under his arm, and you have to add a degree because it was under his arm, so it was really 101.4 and that was after having Tylenol in his system for an hour!! He threw a fit when they took his temperature and swabbed for a strep test.
I initially never thought that he would have strep. I just kind of thought it would be a routine proceedure, but the doctor walked right in and said, "Yep, that baby has strep throat." My heart sunk I felt so bad! He got a high dose of antibiotics, and after 24 hours wouldn't be contagious anymore. After we left the doctor, we stopped at dairy queen to get him some ice cream. He still only ate a little bit of it. The doctor said not to be really concerned about making sure he eats nutricious foods for the next few days. Ice cream, yogurt, and pudding would be close to all he would eat. You can tell that it hurts his little throat to swallow. He will drink some of his milk and then act like it hurts. I wish I could trade places with him! I didn't want to leave him yesterday feeling so pitiful, so I took off of work.
He still slept good last night. He woke up with a fever still, but it broke later today. All he has eaten is some ice cream, yogurt, and vanilla waffers. I know that he has to be starving, but he just won't eat. For the most part, he acted like his normal self today. He was playful and happy. We had my niece, Keena's 5th birthday party today, and he played with all of the kids fine (remember he is not contagious anymore lol). When it got to be bedtime, he started acting like he didn't feel good again and felt like he had another fever. He has been up and down about 5 times since 6:00.Al actually just got him back up and is rocking him in the living room as we speak, so I should wrap it up and go tend to my baby.
This weekend sure wasn't what I had in mind! Seeing my baby sick has been hard....I don't know how parents whose kids are terminally ill or something like that cope with it. I would do anythinng to swap places and take the strep throat away for him. Hopefully I can get him to sleep for the night! Wish us luck!

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