Thursday, September 8, 2011

Just Another Day

Is it the weekend yet?? Only one more day! Eventhough this has been a short week because of the Labor Day holiday, it feels like it's never going to end. Today already started off a little hectic. I was supposed to go to my cousin's dentist office for an appointment, but my car seat ended up in Al's car yesterday, and we forgot to get it out before Al left for school. So, I had to cancel my appointment and reschedule for next week. It seems like every appointment we have had has had to be rescheduled. Destin was supposed to have his one year check up and shots on September 1st. Well, about two hours before his appointment they called and said that his doctor had to go home sick. Now, we are rescheduled for next Tuesday the 13. It was also hectic this morning because I forgot all about Al having parent/teacher conference tonight, so he won't be home until 8. I have to work tonight, so I had to get everything worked out for my brother to watch Destin until my mom gets home, and then she will put him to bed (the poor kid goes to bed about 5:30 or 6:00!)
Aside from the hectic week, it has been exciting in some ways. Destin is walking around a lot! He is not walking perfectly or all of the time, but he will pull himself up on things and then take about 5 to 10 steps before falling, and then he gets back up and does it again! It is so weird to see my little baby walking around. I wish he could just go back to being a little infant! I guess it's time for another one... ha ha NOT! That will have to be a few more years... I have to get done with school and want to get my first year of teaching under my belt. Destin loves taking a bath. Even when the bath water is not running, he wants to crawl in there. He gets mad when I take him out, too. He absolutley loves blueberries! He actually loves all fruits that I have given him, but he will make a point to pick the blueberries out and gobble them down. He also knows when he eats good that I will give him a couple of vanilla waffer cookies. He knows when I get that box out he starts going crazy and humming (that's his way of saying he wants something). He has become a pretty good eater. The only thing that I am having a problem with is breaking him from his bottle. About two months ago, he was doin great. He only took a bottle at bed time and took his sippy cup all day long. Well, Al would give him a bottle more often, so he started pushing the sippy cup away. Now, he wont drink from one at all! I will still try and try to make him drink from it, but he just won't. (Unless he is around my niece, Carter. He always wants to steal hers while she is drinking and then he will drink out of it to be a little turd ha ha) Anyways, so I have gotten discouraged and then worry when he won't drink, so I just put it in a bottle because I would rather make sure his drinks his milk and water than if the bottle is going to mess up his teeth right now. I'm hoping that the doctor will have good advice on what to do next week, though.
I am hoping that this weekend can have a little time for relaxation eventhough I work on Friday and Saturday. I plan to take Destin to my nephew's soccer game this Saturday morning. Brayden, Cayden, and Dylen are going to be so adorable out there! They are on the same team... I hope they don't fight with each other! Then, I guess we will watch football and eat wings with Al until I have to go to work. Sunday's are always our family days together. I wouldn't give those up for anything! Next week is a busy, busy week with school, 2 doctors appointments,Al's dad is coming down on Tuesday, work, and then Thursday night we will be headed out to Tallahassee for the FSU game. Destin is staying with Al's parents. I absolutley loves them! I know he will be fine and that they take perfect care of him, but I am nervous. The only night I have been away from him and not been with him to get up with him in the morning was when Al and I both had to take our Praxis tests on a Saturday, so my mom took him to my sister's house right at bedtime so we could get a good night sleep. We will be leaving Destin on Thursday night until Sunday night. I hope I do okay and don't cry. I think I do need the weekend break though. Every mom needs one, right?
Ok, I'll stop rambling! Have a good day and weekend coming up!

1 comment:

  1. Jenna, your blog is so sweet. Just remember, like we've been talking about since these sweet babies were born, each baby does their own thing in their own time. W gave up the bottle early and easy, but has NO interest in walking. D wants to walk but loves his bottle! In time they will both be walking and bottle free. Don't be discouraged, you're doing awesome!
