Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Silly Kid

I think I have the silliest kid some days! Destin has just been the biggest hoot the past two days. He has SUCH a personality. First of all, the kid tries to be the most independent baby that I have ever seen. He does not want anyone to touch him, tell him what to do, or get in his way! I was in class all night last night, but Al said that he would whisper to Destin, "Go get NanNan(my mom)" and Destin would run to her just laughing! Then my mom would say, "Go get Daddy" and he would do the same. They said he did this for about 5 mintues and he thought it was hilarious every time. He also thought it was funny when he wanted to go night-night, he grabbed his bunny that he always sleeps with and his blanket and walked to the room like he was wanting to go to sleep. He always waves to everyone when it's night-night time, and he even did that too. But, instead of actually wanting to go to bed, he just wanted to play peek-a-boo. He was  at the end of the hallway and was trying to hide.
Oh, and Sunday night the kid said FUMBLE! He was carrying around a football (a real football which is almost as big as him) and he fell with it and dropped it so Al yelled, "Fumble!" Destin got up and repeated "Fumble!" I couldn't believe it! The only other words he will ever say is "Ball" and "Deuce" (The dog).
Al took him to McDonalds tonight to get a happy meal and let him play. I didn't get to go because I was at work, but I heard all about it. He tore some chicken nuggets up! He had a blast playing with the other kids and flirting with the girls. He is also the biggest flirt I have ever seen for a 14 month old baby. I believe that I might be in trouble here! Al said there was a guy that was eating with his wife there, and he kept holding out his hand for Destin to give him a high five. Destin would, and the guy would act like it was hurting him, and Destin would crack up! He also loves if he thinks that he is hurting you! Here are some pictures....
                                            Chowing down on some chicken nuggets!

                                                             Flirting with the girls!

And please excuse the fact that he is in pajamas and no shoes!! Men!! If I were with him, this would have never happened! lol

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