It has been an extremely long time since I have written a blog, but I figured I could use it to update friends and family these next dreadful 6 weeks. We are going on the 3rd night home from the hospital since the cast has been put on Destin's leg. I can't say it has been pleasant; however, my baby boy has really done so much better with this than I would have ever imagined. I just hope he continues to have good spirits and not become too frustrated with it as time passes. He sleeps in his bed, and I have slept on an air mattress in his floor the past two nights. Al will switch up with me tonight probably. He actually does well at night other than waking up every 10 minutes or so because he has pulled his blanket up too high, and his feet are not covered. I literally probably fixed his blanket 100 times last night. We have tried to get him to use a bigger blanket, but he just won't have it. He has been attached to this one blanket since he was a few months old. It's definitely getting to be too small for him. We have watched tons of TV. We have already gone through all the Shrek movies. He is also on a Bubble Guppies trip right now. During the day he usually lies in the couch. He wanted to go outside twice today! I jumped on that opportunity for him because he has not been wanting to be moved because it obviously has to hurt. I felt like that was a good sign that he asked to be moved to sit outside. He just sat in my lap in a chair. I think it did him some good to get a little sun. Poor thing wanted to turn on the sprinkler, though. I think I have learned how to detect when he is in pain. He will start telling me to go away and that he doesn't want me. While he is saying this, he starts to show that he is really uncomfortable. I have to force his pain medicine, but I can tell after about 20 minutes after taking the medicine, he starts to be himself again. In a way I feel like I should just give him the pain medicine every 4 hours so he doesn't get to that point, but then again, the doctors said not to give it to him unless he needs it and that most kids don't really need it after about 3 days. He has only had it once today, so I know I have one tough little guy on my hands. We are supposed to go back to the surgeon on Friday. They will be doing more X-rays to make sure his bone is starting to heal like it should. They said 90% of the time the cast does the trick. I'm just hoping he is one of those in the 90th percentile. There is always a chance it is not growing back properly, and they may have to break it again and set it or he still has the possibilities of having to have surgery.
I had a dream I guess when I drifted off during our nap time of him getting his cast off and walking for the first time again. I think I will cry tears of joy on that day.
There is more I could write about our boring days, but I have typed all this from my phone, and it hasn't been easy. Lol. I'll update more when I get on my computer. Thanks for all the support!
Monday, June 3, 2013
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
It's been awhile!
It's been awhile since I have been able to take the time to write a blog. Now that the weather is so gorgeous every day, we spend most of our time playing outside when we are home. Destin absolutley loves playing outside. When we wake up in the morning, the first thing he does is ask, "Where Couwweeiii?' (Clowey is our dog that he is obessed with), and the next thing that he does is go grab his shoes and want them on to go outside. When he is outside, he loves to ride in his Jeep that he got for Christmas. He doesn't quite understand that he needs to steer while he pushes the peddle, so he just runs into everything, but of course, he thinks it's hilarious! He likes to work on his Jeep a lot, too. He will act like he is working on the tires and even raise the hood of it up and pretend that he is working under the hood. Al made him a sprinkler out of PVC pipes like they usually have at football practices... It's just a square of pipes that he has drilled holes into and Destin loves running through that, too. His favorite thing to say is, "baaahhhssit bawl." Uh oh, this kid might like basketball instead of being a wrestler!... I doubt that, though, because Al wrestles with him so much that he wants to wrestle everything and everyone. My Granny and Pa were in the nursing home here recently, and my mom took Destin up there with her one day, and the first thing he did was grab my Pa's head and try to wrestle him! Ha ha.
We went through a tough month or two with being sick all the time. We finally found out that he had another ear infection after the fact that two doctors told us that his ears looked fine. Once he was on antibiotics for 24 hours, he was a brand new kid! He started to play and be silly and even EAT a lot! I am nervous now because he is digging at those ears again, and his appetite has decreased again. We go back to the doctor this Thursday for a check up and shots, so I guess we will see then if his ears are really bothering him again or not.
It's getting to an exciting time of the year! Al turns THIRTY on April 13th and we are traveling down to FSU to watch the Spring Game and be able to take the booster tours and such... that's what he wanted to do for his birthday! I got him a FSU canopy that he has been wanting for forever so that when we tail gate, we will have a matching canopy and chairs this year. Al is doing his Next Level Wrestling club right now and he seems to be having a lot of fun with it. He has had a really good turn out so far, especially considering that wrestling is not as big here as it was back in Cleveland and because this is his first year doing it here. I'm proud of him for doing it! My last day of the semester will be May 3rd. I cannot wait for a break!!!! I am taking July courses which starts July 9th-August 7th, so that's not too bad. It will be no where near as bad as what I had to do last summer! Then, I have the Fall semester and I'll be ready to Student Teach! YAY! We are going to PCB on May 25th with my sister and her family and my mom is going to tag along to baby sit for us all so we can actually have a break. All I can think about is laying out on that beach and having a great time. Destin is going to LOVE it this year! He was only 7 months last year when we went, so he didn't really get to enjoy it.
Anyways, that's enough rambling on for now! I have go get ready to go meet Al's parents to get Destin since he stayed the night with them! I cannot wait to get him back! <3
We went through a tough month or two with being sick all the time. We finally found out that he had another ear infection after the fact that two doctors told us that his ears looked fine. Once he was on antibiotics for 24 hours, he was a brand new kid! He started to play and be silly and even EAT a lot! I am nervous now because he is digging at those ears again, and his appetite has decreased again. We go back to the doctor this Thursday for a check up and shots, so I guess we will see then if his ears are really bothering him again or not.
It's getting to an exciting time of the year! Al turns THIRTY on April 13th and we are traveling down to FSU to watch the Spring Game and be able to take the booster tours and such... that's what he wanted to do for his birthday! I got him a FSU canopy that he has been wanting for forever so that when we tail gate, we will have a matching canopy and chairs this year. Al is doing his Next Level Wrestling club right now and he seems to be having a lot of fun with it. He has had a really good turn out so far, especially considering that wrestling is not as big here as it was back in Cleveland and because this is his first year doing it here. I'm proud of him for doing it! My last day of the semester will be May 3rd. I cannot wait for a break!!!! I am taking July courses which starts July 9th-August 7th, so that's not too bad. It will be no where near as bad as what I had to do last summer! Then, I have the Fall semester and I'll be ready to Student Teach! YAY! We are going to PCB on May 25th with my sister and her family and my mom is going to tag along to baby sit for us all so we can actually have a break. All I can think about is laying out on that beach and having a great time. Destin is going to LOVE it this year! He was only 7 months last year when we went, so he didn't really get to enjoy it.
Anyways, that's enough rambling on for now! I have go get ready to go meet Al's parents to get Destin since he stayed the night with them! I cannot wait to get him back! <3
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Destin the Body Builder
I figured I would blog about how strong Destin is just so everyone knows to watch out for this kid! lol Since the day he was born, we knew the kid was strong because he was already trying to hold his head up after he came out of the womb. Also, at every single check up I have had three different doctors comment on how amazingly strong he is. When he was 8 or 9 months old, he picked up a 10 pound weight off the floor and put it in his lap. I was in shock! I didn't think anything of him crawling beside the weight because I had NO idea that he could even move it. At that same age, there was a watermelon sitting in the floor at my Granny's house, and he crawled over to it and was pushing it around. He is just so strong. I have witnessed his most recent strength as he has found the little toddler stool in the bathroom. He has learned to get up on the stool (which still makes him not even close to the counter) but it has gotten him up high enough that he can put his arms on the counter. I literally have watched him do this three times.... he gets on the stool, gets his arms on the counter, and then lifts his entire body weight up enough to get into the sink! He is a strong little monkey! It is absolutley unbelievable that a 17 month old can literally lift his entire body weight. Yesterday, when we got home, it was 63degrees outside, so I decided it would be okay to let him play outside for a couple of minutes. My nephews tee ball bat was outside of the garage, and he picked it up with no problem and had no problem at all swinging it. It was actually really funny because he held the bat really well.... his form is already pretty good. I can't imagine watching that little turd play sports. I'll be one proud mama!
Besides being amazed at Destin's strength, I'll fill you in on other things. Destin had an ear infection at his check up on December 27, and until January 17 he was awful. I finally took him back to the doctor because I knew something had to be wrong (at first I thought it was just teething because he cut two molars during this time). Well, we discovered that he had another ear infection or the first infection just didn't completely go away. No wonder he was acting terrible for a straight month! He is all better now, and boy do we see a difference in attitude and personality! He is so happy and full of life. He is getting so smart, too! Spongbob came on Saturday morning and he was singing along with it going, "Bob, Bob, Bob." He has found a new love for going into our room, climbing on the bed, and just watching tv by himself. He will literally lay on our bed content for 30 minutes at a time. He HAS to eat everything with a fork by himself! I even have to put his chicken nugget on a fork just so he can feed it to himself. Last night, we went to Timberloft to eat, and he didn't sit in high chair.... he sat in a BOOSTER seat and ate his mac n cheese all by himself. He didn't even drink from his sippy cup, he drank from a kids cup with a straw like a big boy (although, that did end up messy and I had to change his clothes lol). To say the least, our baby is growing up too fast. It has been such a joy to watch him grow and learn and develop his own personality, though. I just wish it would slow down because I know if I blink, he will be driving a car or graduating high school. I can't even fathem the thought of what did I ever do without him? He is the best thing that has ever happened to us and we are such proud parents!
Besides being amazed at Destin's strength, I'll fill you in on other things. Destin had an ear infection at his check up on December 27, and until January 17 he was awful. I finally took him back to the doctor because I knew something had to be wrong (at first I thought it was just teething because he cut two molars during this time). Well, we discovered that he had another ear infection or the first infection just didn't completely go away. No wonder he was acting terrible for a straight month! He is all better now, and boy do we see a difference in attitude and personality! He is so happy and full of life. He is getting so smart, too! Spongbob came on Saturday morning and he was singing along with it going, "Bob, Bob, Bob." He has found a new love for going into our room, climbing on the bed, and just watching tv by himself. He will literally lay on our bed content for 30 minutes at a time. He HAS to eat everything with a fork by himself! I even have to put his chicken nugget on a fork just so he can feed it to himself. Last night, we went to Timberloft to eat, and he didn't sit in high chair.... he sat in a BOOSTER seat and ate his mac n cheese all by himself. He didn't even drink from his sippy cup, he drank from a kids cup with a straw like a big boy (although, that did end up messy and I had to change his clothes lol). To say the least, our baby is growing up too fast. It has been such a joy to watch him grow and learn and develop his own personality, though. I just wish it would slow down because I know if I blink, he will be driving a car or graduating high school. I can't even fathem the thought of what did I ever do without him? He is the best thing that has ever happened to us and we are such proud parents!
Friday, January 13, 2012
It's been SO long since I have blogged. I can't say that I haven't had time to do it. I have simply enjoyed my break from school and just spent time with Destin and Al (before he had to go back to work) and I really didn't even turn the computer on except to confirm my classes for school. School started back today for me, so I will be on the computer more so will probably blog more. There is so much that I could catch everyone up on!
Destin is getting so big and mature! At his 15 month check up he was in the 95th percentile for his height and 33rd percentile for his weight. He is still so tall and skinny! He has such a personality it is crazy! He did not like the doctors office at all. He knew where he was as soon as we got there and cried the whole time and clung to me like a little monkey. I literally had to pry him off of me when they had to weigh him and check him out and everything. He ended up having an ear infection... I had noticed that he was digging in his ears a lot. He has always pulled at his ears when he is tired, and I have always been worried that he had an ear infection, but the doctors always said his ears looked fine when I asked them about them. This time, he was literally digging in them for about five minutes straight each time. I told the doctor before she even looked that I was worried about them especially since he has gotten extremely adventurous in the bath tub where he lays in the water and acts like a little fish. I was so paranoid that he was getting water in his ears! I am probably more paranoid since I have always had such horrible ear problems. Anyways, the doctor said that his ear infection was from fluids that was probably from drainage and just caused him to have an uncomfortable feeling or muffled sound and that the bath water normally doesn't cause any ear infections. That was a sigh of relief. They put him on an antibiotic that caused him to be a devil child for ten days! We seriously wanted to rip our hair out he was so awful. It was like immediately when he got off of the medicine he was so much better! He still has an attitude problem at times. He has a mind of his own and if it is not his way, he is going to pull a fit. Don't worry.... we don't let him get away with this. lol. Spanking him usually doesn't phase him. He is a tough little booger. We have discovered that spanking him and making him sit in time out is the best punishment for him and actually works. Oh how he HATES sitting still in time out! He sits there and cries the whole time saying, "Mama, mama, mama!" There have been a couple of times that he has made me laugh during time out (I couldn't help it, he is just so funny) so he laughed and I just had to let him up. I have learned that I have to put him in time out and walk away so he can't try to be funny and make me laugh. I cannot stress to anyone that doesn't know him how much personality he has. He is SO SO SO funny! Any time he hears music, he is dancing and bobbing his head. He will even get on the ground and dance... it actually looks like he is break dancing. Yesterday, I heard him in his crib babbling after taking a three hour nap, so when I go in there to get him he stands up and immediately starts doing the chop and war chant. Poor kid will be so brain washed to love FSU! We will give him a bouncy ball in the bath tub and he will throw it against the tub so it can bounce back to him and he just laughs and laughs! This morning, he was sitting in his high chair eating breakfast, and he raised up a bit and was eating his food without his hands like a little bird pecking food off of the ground and he would raise up and just laugh! I laughed so hard, and Al said, "Well that's great. Now he is going to be trying to eat like that all the time." lol That's probably true! Oh well, that little personality of his just makes my day!
Al's wrestling season is over now. The middle school season anyways. Now, he will start doing lessons and working with any of the high school or middle school guys that want extra training. The good thing about it is he gets home earlier now! That's very exciting!
School for me today went pretty smoothly. This semester is going to be so much better than last semester! Oh my goodness, last semester was horrible! I was there on Monday's until 9 at night and Wednesday's until 5:35 and Friday's until 1:35 but I have to be at work at 3. This semester I'm done by 3:45 on Monday's and Wednesdays and at 11:15 on Fridays! I'm very excited to get to leave school and be able to pick Destin up from Summer's and spend the evening as a family! I'm hoping for a great, easy semester! Only one more after this one before I student teach!
Destin is getting so big and mature! At his 15 month check up he was in the 95th percentile for his height and 33rd percentile for his weight. He is still so tall and skinny! He has such a personality it is crazy! He did not like the doctors office at all. He knew where he was as soon as we got there and cried the whole time and clung to me like a little monkey. I literally had to pry him off of me when they had to weigh him and check him out and everything. He ended up having an ear infection... I had noticed that he was digging in his ears a lot. He has always pulled at his ears when he is tired, and I have always been worried that he had an ear infection, but the doctors always said his ears looked fine when I asked them about them. This time, he was literally digging in them for about five minutes straight each time. I told the doctor before she even looked that I was worried about them especially since he has gotten extremely adventurous in the bath tub where he lays in the water and acts like a little fish. I was so paranoid that he was getting water in his ears! I am probably more paranoid since I have always had such horrible ear problems. Anyways, the doctor said that his ear infection was from fluids that was probably from drainage and just caused him to have an uncomfortable feeling or muffled sound and that the bath water normally doesn't cause any ear infections. That was a sigh of relief. They put him on an antibiotic that caused him to be a devil child for ten days! We seriously wanted to rip our hair out he was so awful. It was like immediately when he got off of the medicine he was so much better! He still has an attitude problem at times. He has a mind of his own and if it is not his way, he is going to pull a fit. Don't worry.... we don't let him get away with this. lol. Spanking him usually doesn't phase him. He is a tough little booger. We have discovered that spanking him and making him sit in time out is the best punishment for him and actually works. Oh how he HATES sitting still in time out! He sits there and cries the whole time saying, "Mama, mama, mama!" There have been a couple of times that he has made me laugh during time out (I couldn't help it, he is just so funny) so he laughed and I just had to let him up. I have learned that I have to put him in time out and walk away so he can't try to be funny and make me laugh. I cannot stress to anyone that doesn't know him how much personality he has. He is SO SO SO funny! Any time he hears music, he is dancing and bobbing his head. He will even get on the ground and dance... it actually looks like he is break dancing. Yesterday, I heard him in his crib babbling after taking a three hour nap, so when I go in there to get him he stands up and immediately starts doing the chop and war chant. Poor kid will be so brain washed to love FSU! We will give him a bouncy ball in the bath tub and he will throw it against the tub so it can bounce back to him and he just laughs and laughs! This morning, he was sitting in his high chair eating breakfast, and he raised up a bit and was eating his food without his hands like a little bird pecking food off of the ground and he would raise up and just laugh! I laughed so hard, and Al said, "Well that's great. Now he is going to be trying to eat like that all the time." lol That's probably true! Oh well, that little personality of his just makes my day!
Al's wrestling season is over now. The middle school season anyways. Now, he will start doing lessons and working with any of the high school or middle school guys that want extra training. The good thing about it is he gets home earlier now! That's very exciting!
School for me today went pretty smoothly. This semester is going to be so much better than last semester! Oh my goodness, last semester was horrible! I was there on Monday's until 9 at night and Wednesday's until 5:35 and Friday's until 1:35 but I have to be at work at 3. This semester I'm done by 3:45 on Monday's and Wednesdays and at 11:15 on Fridays! I'm very excited to get to leave school and be able to pick Destin up from Summer's and spend the evening as a family! I'm hoping for a great, easy semester! Only one more after this one before I student teach!
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
My baby is getting big!
Here I am slacking off on the blogging again. It's just coming to the end of the semester time, so I'm SOOOO busy! I just don't understand why everything has to be due at the end... don't all these instructors understand that EVERY other instructor is requiring a 10 page research paper due on the SAME day? Talk about STRESSFUL.
Anyway, updates about Destin: If you ask him, "Destin, what sound does a dog make?" He will now bark. It's so cute. Al and I were just talking Sunday night about how he is not a little baby anymore. I'm so used to tearing up all of his food into tiny little pieces because he is not the greatest eater and tends to just swallow food before chewing it... but Al gave him a whole piece of pizza and Destin was just picking it up and taking bites out of it like you or I would. I know that seems simple... but it's the little things like that. He can also go and get his own diaper and wipes for me now. I'll tell him to "Go get a diaper." He walks back to the bedroom and brings me back one.... sometimes it's one, sometimes it's about five diapers. Ha Ha. Hey, at least he is catching on! The kid loves music! When he is watching cartoons, he will dance along to all of the music. And if we are in the car, he will bob his head to the beat. It's adorable! I think that he has probably LOST weight since his last doctor's visit. He is so tall and skinny. A lot of my friends have babies that are the same age as him, and he is taller than most of them but SOOO much skinnier! He is so strong, though. On Sunday we were at our usual Sunday dinner at Granny's house, and there was a full bottle of wiper fluid or something like that (One of those huge bottles!) and he was able to pick it up and carry it down the hallway. He will grunt the whole time like he is really working hard! I know that in pictures he looks like he does not have any hair... while it is not growing at a fast pace on the top of his head, the back is starting to get out of control. He is starting to grow a mullet! His hair is so blonde too! Another thing that he loves to do is sling his head back and look up at the ceiling while he is walking. He usually falls down because he loses his balance. He just thinks it is the funniest thing. I'm trying to teach him not to cry when Al, my mom, or myself leave. (He loves my mom.. she helps us out a lot!) My niece will wave bye-bye to my sister and brother-in-law and go about her business, but Destin will cry and make a big scene. I used to sneak out of the room when he didn't realize it, but then I don't want him to be paranoid every time I leave the room that I am going to leave. So, now every morning Al will hug him and tell him bye-bye and when he will be back. I'm doing the same thing whenever I have to go to work or school. I'm hoping he catchs on sooner than later.
We are excited about Thanksgiving coming up next week! All of my classes are cancelled on the Wednesday before, so we will head down to Cleveland on Wednesday for family functions that night and Thanksgiving morning. Then, we will head back to Manchester around noon to make it to both sides of my family's dinners that day. This will be the first year that everything is reversed since we moved.
Al had his first wrestling tournament this past Saturday. He said that his kids did pretty good. You know it's wrestling season when he has to be up and gone from the house by 4 a.m.! Gotta love it, though!
I just registered for all of my classes in the Spring. I am taking 15 hours again, but I think it will be a lot easier than this semester! I didn't take so many upper level English classes. I spread out the English and Education classes. I also have one Psychology class to finish up my double minor. Instead of having to stay at school until 9 on Mondays and 535 on Wednesdays like I do now, I'll be done at 345 on those days and 135 on Fridays! This REALLY excites me. These late nights on campus are killing me! I keep telling myself just two more semesters.... I don't know what I will do with myself when I FINALLY graduate. Sometimes I think about how I should already be graduated with my nursing degree if I had never changed my major, but then again I'm SO glad that I'm not a nurse. I would have hated having to do that job for the rest of my life. I definitely feel like I will love teaching and that it is something that I will enjoy (for the most part) for the rest of my life. I cannot wait to get DONE!!!!!!!
Anyways, this blog is getting to be really long. I also have Destin and Carter today. I'm going to go work my super mom powers to get them both down to a nap at the same time, so I can take a nap too. Destin getting up at 5 everyday is for the birds!
Anyway, updates about Destin: If you ask him, "Destin, what sound does a dog make?" He will now bark. It's so cute. Al and I were just talking Sunday night about how he is not a little baby anymore. I'm so used to tearing up all of his food into tiny little pieces because he is not the greatest eater and tends to just swallow food before chewing it... but Al gave him a whole piece of pizza and Destin was just picking it up and taking bites out of it like you or I would. I know that seems simple... but it's the little things like that. He can also go and get his own diaper and wipes for me now. I'll tell him to "Go get a diaper." He walks back to the bedroom and brings me back one.... sometimes it's one, sometimes it's about five diapers. Ha Ha. Hey, at least he is catching on! The kid loves music! When he is watching cartoons, he will dance along to all of the music. And if we are in the car, he will bob his head to the beat. It's adorable! I think that he has probably LOST weight since his last doctor's visit. He is so tall and skinny. A lot of my friends have babies that are the same age as him, and he is taller than most of them but SOOO much skinnier! He is so strong, though. On Sunday we were at our usual Sunday dinner at Granny's house, and there was a full bottle of wiper fluid or something like that (One of those huge bottles!) and he was able to pick it up and carry it down the hallway. He will grunt the whole time like he is really working hard! I know that in pictures he looks like he does not have any hair... while it is not growing at a fast pace on the top of his head, the back is starting to get out of control. He is starting to grow a mullet! His hair is so blonde too! Another thing that he loves to do is sling his head back and look up at the ceiling while he is walking. He usually falls down because he loses his balance. He just thinks it is the funniest thing. I'm trying to teach him not to cry when Al, my mom, or myself leave. (He loves my mom.. she helps us out a lot!) My niece will wave bye-bye to my sister and brother-in-law and go about her business, but Destin will cry and make a big scene. I used to sneak out of the room when he didn't realize it, but then I don't want him to be paranoid every time I leave the room that I am going to leave. So, now every morning Al will hug him and tell him bye-bye and when he will be back. I'm doing the same thing whenever I have to go to work or school. I'm hoping he catchs on sooner than later.
We are excited about Thanksgiving coming up next week! All of my classes are cancelled on the Wednesday before, so we will head down to Cleveland on Wednesday for family functions that night and Thanksgiving morning. Then, we will head back to Manchester around noon to make it to both sides of my family's dinners that day. This will be the first year that everything is reversed since we moved.
Al had his first wrestling tournament this past Saturday. He said that his kids did pretty good. You know it's wrestling season when he has to be up and gone from the house by 4 a.m.! Gotta love it, though!
I just registered for all of my classes in the Spring. I am taking 15 hours again, but I think it will be a lot easier than this semester! I didn't take so many upper level English classes. I spread out the English and Education classes. I also have one Psychology class to finish up my double minor. Instead of having to stay at school until 9 on Mondays and 535 on Wednesdays like I do now, I'll be done at 345 on those days and 135 on Fridays! This REALLY excites me. These late nights on campus are killing me! I keep telling myself just two more semesters.... I don't know what I will do with myself when I FINALLY graduate. Sometimes I think about how I should already be graduated with my nursing degree if I had never changed my major, but then again I'm SO glad that I'm not a nurse. I would have hated having to do that job for the rest of my life. I definitely feel like I will love teaching and that it is something that I will enjoy (for the most part) for the rest of my life. I cannot wait to get DONE!!!!!!!
Anyways, this blog is getting to be really long. I also have Destin and Carter today. I'm going to go work my super mom powers to get them both down to a nap at the same time, so I can take a nap too. Destin getting up at 5 everyday is for the birds!
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Silly Kid
I think I have the silliest kid some days! Destin has just been the biggest hoot the past two days. He has SUCH a personality. First of all, the kid tries to be the most independent baby that I have ever seen. He does not want anyone to touch him, tell him what to do, or get in his way! I was in class all night last night, but Al said that he would whisper to Destin, "Go get NanNan(my mom)" and Destin would run to her just laughing! Then my mom would say, "Go get Daddy" and he would do the same. They said he did this for about 5 mintues and he thought it was hilarious every time. He also thought it was funny when he wanted to go night-night, he grabbed his bunny that he always sleeps with and his blanket and walked to the room like he was wanting to go to sleep. He always waves to everyone when it's night-night time, and he even did that too. But, instead of actually wanting to go to bed, he just wanted to play peek-a-boo. He was at the end of the hallway and was trying to hide.
Oh, and Sunday night the kid said FUMBLE! He was carrying around a football (a real football which is almost as big as him) and he fell with it and dropped it so Al yelled, "Fumble!" Destin got up and repeated "Fumble!" I couldn't believe it! The only other words he will ever say is "Ball" and "Deuce" (The dog).
Al took him to McDonalds tonight to get a happy meal and let him play. I didn't get to go because I was at work, but I heard all about it. He tore some chicken nuggets up! He had a blast playing with the other kids and flirting with the girls. He is also the biggest flirt I have ever seen for a 14 month old baby. I believe that I might be in trouble here! Al said there was a guy that was eating with his wife there, and he kept holding out his hand for Destin to give him a high five. Destin would, and the guy would act like it was hurting him, and Destin would crack up! He also loves if he thinks that he is hurting you! Here are some pictures....
Chowing down on some chicken nuggets!
Flirting with the girls!

Oh, and Sunday night the kid said FUMBLE! He was carrying around a football (a real football which is almost as big as him) and he fell with it and dropped it so Al yelled, "Fumble!" Destin got up and repeated "Fumble!" I couldn't believe it! The only other words he will ever say is "Ball" and "Deuce" (The dog).
Al took him to McDonalds tonight to get a happy meal and let him play. I didn't get to go because I was at work, but I heard all about it. He tore some chicken nuggets up! He had a blast playing with the other kids and flirting with the girls. He is also the biggest flirt I have ever seen for a 14 month old baby. I believe that I might be in trouble here! Al said there was a guy that was eating with his wife there, and he kept holding out his hand for Destin to give him a high five. Destin would, and the guy would act like it was hurting him, and Destin would crack up! He also loves if he thinks that he is hurting you! Here are some pictures....
Chowing down on some chicken nuggets!
Flirting with the girls!

And please excuse the fact that he is in pajamas and no shoes!! Men!! If I were with him, this would have never happened! lol
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
October so far...
Once again, I have slacked off on the blog. This month has been crazy! It has also gone by extremely fast so far. This month is filled with birthdays, including mine! That was a great week! My birthday is not usually a huge deal, but my friends at work made sure to make this year special. We had an ice cream cake to celebrate at work, they all got me a month to the tanning bed (which is greatly needed!), and a birthday crown that I had to wear all night. Needless to say, it was great, and I am very appreciative for it! Al got me my XM radio in my car that I'm too cheap to pay for. I love it! I got some money and jewelry from others, too. I'm a pretty lucky girl!
Destin has gotten so good on his feet. He is actually starting to run. The funniest thing is when he will go half way down the hallway and run back into the living room laughing with this arms straight up just waiting for Al to catch him or to fall onto the bean bag. That kid is a hoot. He also will jabber and hold his hands up like he is saying, "I don't know." He talks alot now! Most of the time it's just a lot of jabber, but a lot of times he will say "Da, Da" and "Ball." He likes to get onto his little play car that he has and play the music and lift the seat up and hide things under it. If we can't find the remote, that's the first place that I look now! He spent these past few days with Al's parents. We took him down to Cleveland on Sunday, and I met back up with them on Tuesday. Monday was also my fall break, so I was lazy all day and literally slept all day! Al says that something has to be wrong with me since I could sleep that much, but I say it was a much needed catch up! I haven't done that since before I had Destin! When I picked Destin back up, he hurt my feelings because he didn't want to come to me. He wanted to stay with his Mamaw Sharon. He just loves her to death!
Al started wrestling practice this week. I love wrestling, but we have so much going on this year I hope that this season goes by really fast! School is going for me... hard as ever but still chugging along.
The terrible news that I found out this week is that I'm going to have to have a new transmission in my car. The cylinoid(sp?) is messed up. It started doing it on Saturday, and it will lock up and shift really hard between the second and third geers. Once I get over 40mph, it drives fine. It's really stressing me out! My brother-in-laws dad works at the Acura dealership and is going to try and help me out with what he can, but he said at retail price it would be $3,800. WHAT!!?? Where in the world am I going to come up with that kind of money! That's almost as much as I owe on the car itself! I'm not really sure what to do, but I guess we will figure it out. It's always something, though. Right?
I'll stop venting about my car now. I better get back to writing this paper. Oh, the joys of being an English major! Papers pretty much every night! I'll try my best not to be so long on the next blog.
Destin has gotten so good on his feet. He is actually starting to run. The funniest thing is when he will go half way down the hallway and run back into the living room laughing with this arms straight up just waiting for Al to catch him or to fall onto the bean bag. That kid is a hoot. He also will jabber and hold his hands up like he is saying, "I don't know." He talks alot now! Most of the time it's just a lot of jabber, but a lot of times he will say "Da, Da" and "Ball." He likes to get onto his little play car that he has and play the music and lift the seat up and hide things under it. If we can't find the remote, that's the first place that I look now! He spent these past few days with Al's parents. We took him down to Cleveland on Sunday, and I met back up with them on Tuesday. Monday was also my fall break, so I was lazy all day and literally slept all day! Al says that something has to be wrong with me since I could sleep that much, but I say it was a much needed catch up! I haven't done that since before I had Destin! When I picked Destin back up, he hurt my feelings because he didn't want to come to me. He wanted to stay with his Mamaw Sharon. He just loves her to death!
Al started wrestling practice this week. I love wrestling, but we have so much going on this year I hope that this season goes by really fast! School is going for me... hard as ever but still chugging along.
The terrible news that I found out this week is that I'm going to have to have a new transmission in my car. The cylinoid(sp?) is messed up. It started doing it on Saturday, and it will lock up and shift really hard between the second and third geers. Once I get over 40mph, it drives fine. It's really stressing me out! My brother-in-laws dad works at the Acura dealership and is going to try and help me out with what he can, but he said at retail price it would be $3,800. WHAT!!?? Where in the world am I going to come up with that kind of money! That's almost as much as I owe on the car itself! I'm not really sure what to do, but I guess we will figure it out. It's always something, though. Right?
I'll stop venting about my car now. I better get back to writing this paper. Oh, the joys of being an English major! Papers pretty much every night! I'll try my best not to be so long on the next blog.
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