Tuesday, March 27, 2012

It's been awhile!

It's been awhile since I have been able to take the time to write a blog. Now that the weather is so gorgeous every day, we spend most of our time playing outside when we are home. Destin absolutley loves playing outside. When we wake up in the morning, the first thing he does is ask, "Where Couwweeiii?' (Clowey is our dog that he is obessed with), and the next thing that he does is go grab his shoes and want them on to go outside. When he is outside, he loves to ride in his Jeep that he got for Christmas. He doesn't quite understand that he needs to steer while he pushes the peddle, so he just runs into everything, but of course, he thinks it's hilarious! He likes to work on his Jeep a lot, too. He will act like he is working on the tires and even raise the hood of it up and pretend that he is working under the hood. Al made him a sprinkler out of PVC pipes like they usually have at football practices... It's just a square of pipes that he has drilled holes into and Destin loves running through that, too. His favorite thing to say is, "baaahhhssit bawl." Uh oh, this kid might like basketball instead of being a wrestler!... I doubt that, though, because Al wrestles with him so much that he wants to wrestle everything and everyone. My Granny and Pa were in the nursing home here recently, and my mom took Destin up there with her one day, and the first thing he did was grab my Pa's head and try to wrestle him! Ha ha.
We went through a tough month or two with being sick all the time. We finally found out that he had another ear infection after the fact that two doctors told us that his ears looked fine. Once he was on antibiotics for 24 hours, he was a brand new kid! He started to play and be silly and even EAT a lot! I am nervous now because he is digging at those ears again, and his appetite has decreased again. We go back to the doctor this Thursday for a check up and shots, so I guess we will see then if his ears are really bothering him again or not.
It's getting to an exciting time of the year! Al turns THIRTY on April 13th and we are traveling down to FSU to watch the Spring Game and be able to take the booster tours and such... that's what he wanted to do for his birthday! I got him a FSU canopy that he has been wanting for forever so that when we tail gate, we will have a matching canopy and chairs this year. Al is doing his Next Level Wrestling club right now and he seems to be having a lot of fun with it. He has had a really good turn out so far, especially considering that wrestling is not as big here as it was back in Cleveland and because this is his first year doing it here. I'm proud of him for doing it! My last day of the semester will be May 3rd. I cannot wait for a break!!!! I am taking July courses which starts July 9th-August 7th, so that's not too bad. It will be no where near as bad as what I had to do last summer! Then, I have the Fall semester and I'll be ready to Student Teach! YAY! We are going to PCB on May 25th with my sister and her family and my mom is going to tag along to baby sit for us all so we can actually have a break. All I can think about is laying out on that beach and having a great time. Destin is going to LOVE it this year! He was only 7 months last year when we went, so he didn't really get to enjoy it.
Anyways, that's enough rambling on for now! I have go get ready to go meet Al's parents to get Destin since he stayed the night with them! I cannot wait to get him back! <3

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