Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Destin the Body Builder

I figured I would blog about how strong Destin is just so everyone knows to watch out for this kid! lol Since the day he was born, we knew the kid was strong because he was already trying to hold his head up after he came out of the womb. Also, at every single check up I have had three different doctors comment on how amazingly strong he is. When he was 8 or 9 months old, he picked up a 10 pound weight off the floor and put it in his lap. I was in shock! I didn't think anything of him crawling beside the weight because I had NO idea that he could even move it. At that same age, there was a watermelon sitting in the floor at my Granny's house, and he crawled over to it and was pushing it around. He is just so strong. I have witnessed his most recent strength as he has found the little toddler stool in the bathroom. He has learned to get up on the stool (which still makes him not even close to the counter) but it has gotten him up high enough that he can put his arms on the counter. I literally have watched him do this three times.... he gets on the stool, gets his arms on the counter, and then lifts his entire body weight up enough to get into the sink! He is a strong little monkey! It is absolutley unbelievable that a 17 month old can literally lift his entire body weight. Yesterday, when we got home, it was 63degrees outside, so I decided it would be okay to let him play outside for a couple of minutes. My nephews tee ball bat was outside of the garage, and he picked it up with no problem and had no problem at all swinging it. It was actually really funny because he held the bat really well.... his form is already pretty good. I can't imagine watching that little turd play sports. I'll be one proud mama!

Besides being amazed at Destin's strength, I'll fill you in on other things. Destin had an ear infection at his check up on December 27, and until January 17 he was awful. I finally took him back to the doctor because I knew something had to be wrong (at first I thought it was just teething because he cut two molars during this time). Well, we discovered that he had another ear infection or the first infection just didn't completely go away. No wonder he was acting terrible for a straight month! He is all better now, and boy do we see a difference in attitude and personality! He is so happy and full of life. He is getting so smart, too! Spongbob came on Saturday morning and he was singing along with it going, "Bob, Bob, Bob." He has found a new love for going into our room, climbing on the bed, and just watching tv by himself. He will literally lay on our bed content for 30 minutes at a time. He HAS to eat everything with a fork by himself! I even have to put his chicken nugget on a fork just so he can feed it to himself. Last night, we went to Timberloft to eat, and he didn't sit in high chair.... he sat in a BOOSTER seat and ate his mac n cheese all by himself. He didn't even drink from his sippy cup, he drank from a kids cup with a straw like a big boy (although, that did end up messy and I had to change his clothes lol). To say the least, our baby is growing up too fast. It has been such a joy to watch him grow and learn and develop his own personality, though. I just wish it would slow down because I know if I blink, he will be driving a car or graduating high school. I can't even fathem the thought of what did I ever do without him? He is the best thing that has ever happened to us and we are such proud parents!

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