Monday, June 3, 2013

It's Going to be a Long Summer...

It has been an extremely long time since I have written a blog, but I figured I could use it to update friends and family these next dreadful 6 weeks. We are going on the 3rd night home from the hospital since the cast has been put on Destin's leg. I can't say it has been pleasant; however, my baby boy has really done so much better with this than I would have ever imagined. I just hope he continues to have good spirits and not become too frustrated with it as time passes. He sleeps in his bed, and I have slept on an air mattress in his floor the past two nights. Al will switch up with me tonight probably. He actually does well at night other than waking up every 10 minutes or so because he has pulled his blanket up too high, and his feet are not covered. I literally probably fixed his blanket 100 times last night. We have tried to get him to use a bigger blanket, but he just won't have it. He has been attached to this one blanket since he was a few months old. It's definitely getting to be too small for him. We have watched tons of TV. We have already gone through all the Shrek movies. He is also on a Bubble Guppies trip right now. During the day he usually lies in the couch. He wanted to go outside twice today! I jumped on that opportunity for him because he has not been wanting to be moved because it obviously has to hurt. I felt like that was a good sign that he asked to be moved to sit outside. He just sat in my lap in a chair. I think it did him some good to get a little sun. Poor thing wanted to turn on the sprinkler, though. I think I have learned how to detect when he is in pain. He will start telling me to go away and that he doesn't want me. While he is saying this, he starts to show that he is really uncomfortable. I have to force his pain medicine, but I can tell after about 20 minutes after taking the medicine, he starts to be himself again. In a way I feel like I should just give him the pain medicine every 4 hours so he doesn't get to that point, but then again, the doctors said not to give it to him unless he needs it and that most kids don't really need it after about 3 days. He has only had it once today, so I know I have one tough little guy on my hands. We are supposed to go back to the surgeon on Friday. They will be doing more X-rays to make sure his bone is starting to heal like it should. They said 90% of the time the cast does the trick. I'm just hoping he is one of those in the 90th percentile. There is always a chance it is not growing back properly, and they may have to break it again and set it or he still has the possibilities of having to have surgery.
I had a dream I guess when I drifted off during our nap time of him getting his cast off and walking for the first time again. I think I will cry tears of joy on that day.
There is more I could write about our boring days, but I have typed all this from my phone, and it hasn't been easy. Lol. I'll update more when I get on my computer. Thanks for all the support!