Tuesday, November 15, 2011

My baby is getting big!

Here I am slacking off on the blogging again. It's just coming to the end of the semester time, so I'm SOOOO busy! I just don't understand why everything has to be due at the end... don't all these instructors understand that EVERY other instructor is requiring a 10 page research paper due on the SAME day? Talk about STRESSFUL.
Anyway, updates about Destin: If you ask him, "Destin, what sound does a dog make?" He will now bark. It's so cute. Al and I were just talking Sunday night about how he is not a little baby anymore. I'm so used to tearing up all of his food into tiny little pieces because he is not the greatest eater and tends to just swallow food before chewing it... but Al gave him a whole piece of pizza and Destin was just picking it up and taking bites out of it like you or I would. I know that seems simple... but it's the little things like that. He can also go and get his own diaper and wipes for me now. I'll tell him to "Go get a diaper." He walks back to the bedroom and brings me back one.... sometimes it's one, sometimes it's about five diapers. Ha Ha. Hey, at least he is catching on! The kid loves music! When he is watching cartoons, he will dance along to all of the music. And if we are in the car, he will bob his head to the beat. It's adorable! I think that he has probably LOST weight since his last doctor's visit. He is so tall and skinny. A lot of my friends have babies that are the same age as him, and he is taller than most of them but SOOO much skinnier! He is so strong, though. On Sunday we were at our usual Sunday dinner at Granny's house, and there was a full bottle of wiper fluid or something like that (One of those huge bottles!) and he was able to pick it up and carry it down the hallway. He will grunt the whole time like he is really working hard! I know that in pictures he looks like he does not have any hair... while it is not growing at a fast pace on the top of his head, the back is starting to get out of control. He is starting to grow a mullet! His hair is so blonde too! Another thing that he loves to do is sling his head back and look up at the ceiling while he is walking. He usually falls down because he loses his balance. He just thinks it is the funniest thing. I'm trying to teach him not to cry when Al, my  mom, or myself leave. (He loves my mom.. she helps us out a lot!) My niece will wave bye-bye to my sister and brother-in-law and go about her business, but Destin will cry and make a big scene. I used to sneak out of the room when he didn't realize it, but then I don't want him to be paranoid every time I leave the room that I am going to leave. So, now every morning Al will hug him and tell him bye-bye and when he will be back. I'm doing the same thing whenever I have to go to work or school. I'm hoping he catchs on sooner than later.
We are excited about Thanksgiving coming up next week! All of my classes are cancelled on the Wednesday before, so we will head down to Cleveland on Wednesday for family functions that night and Thanksgiving morning. Then, we will head back to Manchester around noon to make it to both sides of my family's  dinners that day. This will be the first year that everything is reversed since we moved.
Al had his first wrestling tournament this past Saturday. He said that his kids did pretty good. You know it's wrestling season when he has to be up and gone from the house by 4 a.m.! Gotta love it, though!
I just registered for all of my classes in the Spring. I am taking 15 hours again, but I think it will be a lot easier than this semester! I didn't take so many upper level English classes. I spread out the English and Education classes. I also have one Psychology class to finish up my double minor. Instead of having to stay at school until 9 on Mondays and 535 on Wednesdays like I do now, I'll be done at 345 on those days and 135 on Fridays! This REALLY excites me. These late nights on campus are killing me! I keep telling myself just two more semesters.... I don't know what I will do with myself when I FINALLY graduate. Sometimes I think about how I should already be graduated with my nursing degree if I had never changed my major, but then again I'm SO glad that I'm not a nurse. I would have hated having to do that job for the rest of my life. I definitely feel like I will love teaching and that it is something that I will enjoy (for the most part) for the rest of my life. I cannot wait to get DONE!!!!!!!
Anyways, this blog is getting to be really long. I also have Destin and Carter today. I'm going to go work my super mom powers to get them both down to a nap at the same time, so I can take a nap too. Destin getting up at 5 everyday is for the birds!